Miscellaneous creatures

<!--Giant hairy ant lion, Heoclisis fundata-->

Heoclisis fundata, Giant hairy ant lion

Swan Coastal Plain, Perth, Western Australia

In their immature stages, ant-lions are known to be voracious predators of ants; trapping them in small funnels of slippery sand. However as adults they are much less often encountered, so I was pleased to see this adult antlion fluttering outside in the backyard. They are not the strongest of fliers, and I could easily capture and photograph it.

Photographed for the Meet Your Neighbours international nature photography project in Perth, Western Australia.

Canon EOS 7D with Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro lens; 1/250s at f/16 ISO 250, flash fired: from hand.

Miscellaneous creatures